Friday, July 22, 2011

July flies by.....

July is always so fun and so busy.  And this year SO HOT.  We have been enjoying boat rides (oh, I love being on the blue, blue water that we are so close by).   My old (not old),  but dear friend Rachael comes home every July for the whole month.  I love catching up with her and her children and sitting by her parents pool.  Reese is going to be a great swimmer, Parker is still pretty timid around the water. 

My mother in law - the other Jenny Atkinson and my sister in law Stephanie and my nephews Cooper and Carson came to visit for 5 days.   We had fun, fun, fun.  We celebrated Reese's 3rd birthday, went to the beach and splash pad, played in the pool and with the slip and slide in the back yard.    4 kids in the house was loud and the big boys gained up on the little ones - but that is what kids do!! 


I haven't read much this month.  I did thumb thru the very first issue of the Oprah magazine when I was cleaning up a pile of stuff and an article I read really struck a cord.   It was about Jackie O and how she sometimes had a bad rap because she didn't talk much.  But in all reality, it wasn't because she was unsocial or a bitch, it was because she had a skill that many of us - especially me - don't have.   And that is the skill of listening.  I have always known that one of my flaws is that I interrupt and don't listen without cutting in with my opinion or thoughts.  So, I am trying to be more Jackie O like.  I am trying to listen and not talk as much.  I will keep you posted.    And I guess I need to get to the library!!

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