Thursday, April 7, 2011

Sick Kids and Sky Scrapers

Recently Parker has been asking a lot about Sky Scrapers.  I am not sure where he orginally heard, seen or read about them but he is dying to see one.   We drive pretty darn close to some pretty tall buildings in Chicago on our way to Iowa.  I guess on one of our upcoming trips we will be taking a slight detour to the John Hancock Building.  I love that he has a interest in the city and I can't wait to see his face when we sees one in the distance.  It got me thinking about what living in a really big city, a city where you can walk everywhere and have restuarants and stores at your finger tips, would be like..  I wonder why my path never took me to a big city other than for work & travel.  I wonder if I would really like it or if I just love the glamour of it.   Since I am still obessed with Sex and the City (yes, I have all the episodes on DVD and watch the re-runs on E! and have both movies), I wonder if it is how they make NYC out to be heaven on earth that makes me wonder if I could really live somewhere without a yard and with millions of neighbors.   I don't know if I will ever have my curiosity resovled, which is ok, because not knowing makes for wonderful DAYDREAMING. 

Reese got very sick this week - Diagnosis  Pneumonia.  She is just so little and when she gets sick, she is a clinger.   She is normally a all over the place, checking everything out; but when she is sick she just wants to lay down and rest her head; it is just so precious.   Sick children make me very anxious.  I never know how to make them feel more comfortable.   All I want to do is hold them and then I worry about everything else I should be doing, so the whole time they are sick I am full with anxiety.   She is on the mend and everything manages to get done one way or another.  Most importantly is that she is happy and healthly - the dirty dishes will wait.

Monday, April 4, 2011

The winter that will not end.

We had a snow storm yesterday April 3rd!  I really feel like this has been the longest winter ever.   This week is spring break and I am very happy and jealous of all of those people that made the exodus out of Michigan for warmer destinations. 

We need it to be spring because there are so many things we are looking forward to:  Easter Egg Hunts, Easter, Parker's 5th Birthday, Open Day for Little League, watching Reese master the art of riding the tri-cycle,  our trip to Iowa for Grandma Jenny's 60th birthday and Mother's Day and Jon/Kristina's wedding.    There are also a zillion other birthday's peppered in there!   

I have been reading some really great books lately - Twelve Rooms with a View, was an unexpected gem that I just pulled from a shelf and I loved it - my need for sun, warm weather and opening the windows has only one down side - I won't be able to curl up with a good book under a warm blanket.